Saturday, November 17, 2012

reading in bed

a few snapshots of the goodies in the bookstore (six floors!) down the street
 So, get this. Last night I put Hendrik to bed with Bob and Marg's Chinese phrasebook (we "read" it before bed - he requested it), turned out the lights and closed the door. Fifteen minutes or so later, I go into the room and find him in his crib with the light on, feet up, legs crossed... reading. I tried to mask my surprise and told him that it was time to turn out the light and go to bed; his doe-eyed reply was, in the cutest of voices, "I can't sleep." I just about melted. So, this afternoon when he requested the Chinese phrasebook once again, I told him that he could read in bed for five minutes and then I'd come in and turn out the light for him. But then, at lights out, he wouldn't give up the book, so he's in there sleeping with it on his chest right now. CUTE!

Another notable quotable from Hendrik came yesterday at dinner, when he asked Steve for some more food: "Daddy, I'd like some more I'd like some more... " Pause... he tilts his head and looks up. "What was that called...?" Pause. "Sausage." It was adorable. (We went for a buffet dinner at the Hyatt and it was to die for. I think I regained all of my pregnancy weight - thank you very much dessert buffet.)

A few of the latest pics from my camera - I need to catch some shut-eye while both kiddos are sleeping...
Beijing by night
me and my girl!

dinner is served!

Hendrik (sort of) holding his baby sister

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