Friday, November 23, 2012


Hendrik has found my (biggest) weakness: nope, not cinnamon buns or cake - books. Reading in bed is now a part of our good night routine - be it at nap time or night time - and today, with cries for "more reading!" and "boooooooks!" (there were tears... there was crying) when I tried to tell him that reading time was out and sleep time was in and he refused, cried etc., I did not know what to do. Say no? "No! No more books!" Blasphemy.... evil! It took me three tries to successfully get him to be okay with more reading after his nap. Sort of. I mean, he was sort of (not really) okay with it, but I had to stick to my word (and Alana was overdue for some food).

This is going to be a short one even though there is a separate to-blog-about-today list that I'm not going to pay any attention to. They LOVE our kids here... love. Hendrik gets looks and his photograph taken all-the-time, and people are always glancing in (/up) to the carrier to see Alana the babe. It's certainly not too much, but then again, I haven't witnessed any women half losing their mind over Hendrik - Bob and Marg have. What else what else... oh - two articles I wanted to post: one entitled "How to Talk to Girls" - talk about reading! interests! as opposed to making comments on how deliciously cute they are; and the second one "The Busy Trap". Both worth your while.

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