Saturday, March 17, 2012

more goodness!

I forgot to add gnocchi and cabbage-pancetta fry to the day before yesterday's list-of-gluttony; both were homemade by Antonella, and both were amazing delicious. I also forgot to add this incredible photo:

And these are worth adding too:

helping with the cupboard (dis)organization
Hendrik's first (and last?) time in a Ferrari - just outside the grocery store
loving the flowers at Thursday's market

Antonella and I went for a looovely walk on Friday morning just above Sopramonte in/on Monte Bondone, and after an easy 30 minutes, arrived at Malga Brigolina - a farm, restaurant, play-place, cheese-maker... it seemed to have it all. Hendrik loved the animals and the sandbox and the trucks and the wooden water fountain, and I loved the patio views that came with lunch. We made it back home in time for a nap before playgroup, and then we both seriously conked out last night; it was one of those morning wake-ups followed by the one-step bed make: fold the triangle of covers back over the pillow and that's it, you're done. But like I said, I was up early, and with no nap today.... I'm hoping for another solid sleep tonight. Enjoy the pics!

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