Tuesday, October 4, 2011

a house tour, finally!

So, for some reason I can't get my videos to load (argh - BUT since I wrote this yesterday and just tried to load vids in Safari, the video tour is on!), so it will have to be just pictures for now for the house tour (finally!). You've seen the gardens, and yes, they are still just as nice in October since it was oh about 27 degrees today. Apparently it hasn't been this hot here at this time of the year for 150 years - eek! I'm not complaining. Well, actually I was; Steve had to go to the Police Station this afternoon (to get his Permesso di Sogiorno) so I decided to tag along and walk down to the big big grocery store and get a few things, like vegetables (the ones that aren't growing it the garden) BUT not only was the store closed, there were smokers everywhere and, like I said, it was almost 30 degrees out. All of this added up to me - hot, sweaty, grumpy - complaining - so I lied... I did complain about the weather (and the smokers and the fact that the store doesn't open on Monday until 2:30) and I really shouldn't have. Anyways! Here's the house tour:

lots of room for visitors, as you can see... reservations accepted starting now!

And I made banana + chocolate zucchini bread in my first attempt at baking in our lovely kitchen, with nary a measuring cup or spoon, and it all turned out... yum yum. And since this blog has been in the works for two weeks, I'll just get on with it and get it posted, and let Manu Chao get me a few steps closer to dinner....

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