After a successful fourth place finish at the Ontario Summer Games, coaching is over for the summer - it's a wrap! We got together today to volunteer at a junior national team tournament that's taking place at the new centre sportif in Gatineau; girls mopped and wiped and helped out, and then we had a quick meeting and a cheer and... c'est tous. The games were really fun, and despite a great team effort from beginning to end, we couldn't quite make the medals. We were, however, not only rewarded with a commemorative pin, but with a dis-play from assistant coach John; he showed evvverybody that he'd been wearing his v-neck, too-small Grix TMNT (Green-Six Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) t-shirt all along, under his conservative green coaching polo. It definitely lightened the mood, and left everyone laughing and happy... it was a good one.
From there, Sandra and I made it to the big nickel before hitting Highway 17; we managed to maintain most of our sanity for the first part of the drive, but the last bit sure was a struggle. The week left me tired, and I feel like I'm still catching up on sleep; it was busy, but great. Some really good friends of ours from Winnipeg, Pascal and Angela, were in town and we got to meet their new babins, little Elise Clair... and she is adooooorable! It was so neat to see our friends as parents, and of course to meet and hold their wee one. In the afternoon, we girls went for a walk around the market, and then headed towards Parliament hill, arriving just in time to catch Fortissimo, a musical and military spectacular. And it was spectacular; there were dozens of performances, featuring bands and bagpipes, dancers and military displays... it was definitely worth seeing. I love being in Ottawa - it seems like there's always something going on... yay. What else what else.... Sunday we went to an all day prenatal class (maybe not so much FUN, but definitely worthwhile and informative - something I'm glad we did) before driving up yonder to Wakefield where we met my parents, my aunt and a few cousins at a family time-shared fishing camp. It's really more of a rustic cottage, but it was previously used as a fishing outpost (I think). Anyways, it's located on a beautiful lake in a beautiful spot - just the place to relax and appreciate the quiet. Which is just what we did after a delish dinner of spring salmon (brought from BC by les parents) and potato salad. Sadly, Steve had to head back to town for an early Monday morning practice, and happily, I went to bed early. We had a slow and easy Monday - there was eating, swimming, lounging, reading, walking... and then the trip back to town on Monday night. My mom and dad are on a bit of a whirlwind Ontario tour, visiting friends and relatives all over the place over the course of the next five or six days; we'll see them again on Saturday before they jet off on Sunday morning. So, oooouf. That's about it. I do not have any updated bump pics, but I'll be sure to get on that some time soon - he's growing in there, and kicking and moving more and more and more. Okay, pics....
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