Friday, June 20, 2008

On to Decade #3

What a place to be just as summer solstice comes and goes... on the computer - doh. It's also World Refugee Day and International Surfing Day - and my first full day as a thirty year-old. AGH! I had but one issue with turning the big 3-0... and it didn't have anything to do with getting older, feeling older, or being in my thirties (or with having zero responsibility and no job), but with the fact that certain stages of my life have come and gone... and are gone forever! Like going out to play - getting excited about being on swings, or jumping on a trampoline, or playing house (well, we're kind of doing that right now...) - you know? I mean, some of those things are still exciting... but the fervour and energy for swings and tramps (!?) has been replaced with an excitement for other, slightly less demanding things. Though of course I'm glad that some of the stages are dead and buried - high school awkardness, bad clothes, weird hair (wait I still have that), fighting with parents (I'm not the only one who's glad of that one) etc., but ... yup. Steve was so sweet - as soon as I expressed all of this to him, he asked me if I wanted to go out and play. Cute.

Anyways, summer solstice. It is so awesome having so much light late into the evening. And so much colour. Yay. I had a fantastic birthday - we had a super yummy breakfast that revolved around an exotic fruit salad (read: it included mango and melon, not just apples and oranges), played some frisbee golf, and then the most delicious dinner at a great restaurant in Osborne Village, Fude. Yes of course the day almost completely revolved around food - and here is a confession that has nothing to do with food - a frisbee confession: I am horrrrrrible at throwing a frisbee and it is super embarassing. This is the thing that I am least good at - at least that I've tried. BUT! I did have a few good throws and Steve even caught one on FILM! Documented. Yay. I got some lovely cards and presents and am awaiting a surprise present from Steve that arrives - or that we go on - tomorrow afternoon around 1:00. I have no idea what it is but am very excited! Hurrah hurray. We went swimming this afternoon and came home and made a deee-lish dinner: fancy grilled cheese sammers (cheddar, green onion and cilantro YUM) and a big green salad. Food is good. So, here are a few pics that have been taken over the course of the last fortnight of my twenties... I hear it only gets better! And I'm off to enjoy the evening sunshine....

My birthday flowers!!!


I feel that I look like a mega dork in this picture BUT it is my action shot - a good throw and you can see the disc!

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