Monday, June 16, 2008


Finally! Some good weather. And a blog! I really enjoyed writing on a daily basis in Russia but.... the bottom line is that here, I have other things to do! Yeee! Like weed! and mow! and prime and paint! And... clean the toilet on the front lawn. It was a glorious day for a glorious task. Explanation: Steve tiled the upstairs bathroom this past week and well... let's just say that the toilet was dirty. Ick. I will spare you the details involved with upside down inside out toilets. Anyways, so I gave it a thorough cleaning on the front lawn and am regretting not taking a picture of me (or Steve) reading the newspaper on it. SO! It has been productivity central around here - the bathroom is tiled and painted, a countertop is arriving on Friday; we've primed and painted almost all of the upstairs rooms - yay! And... there must be more - lots of yard work: trimming, mowing, clipping, chopping, sawing, hacking and spraying. Not that it's super noticable... but at least we can tell the difference.

So, as I was saying, we finally got a nice warm day here! Yesterday was FRRREEEEEzing... and then just like that, summmmmertime! I hope it stays. There have been super high winds here too - tornado-watch kind of gale force winds... so that has been interesting. I'm not even going to try to catch up with missed news and un-blogged thoughts, but I will say Happy Belated Father's Day to my dad, and to all dads that read this. YAY! Yay for dads. Okay, I will leave you with a link to a neat article about a family that had their house renovated at a ridiculously expensive price, and got a little more than they paid for...

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