Thursday, June 12, 2008


As always, I have an excuse for why I am not going to write anything (or much... or much of anything) and here it is. I have been sucked into a whirly and blinding computer vortex as a result of complete and total procrastination. Remember that course I'm taking? Oh, and remember the 20 page paper that is due... er... in two days? Yup, I am in that vortext and have been for the last six hours. It feels like waaaaay longer than that. Maybe I'm a computing wimp and need to build up a lack of muscle... or perhaps it's toleration? for sitting in front of a comp-machine at a desk for six hours. Yes I find that part a tad objectionable, but really it's the procrastination and the resulting cramming of what I'd like to be quality research and writing... into something, perhaps, a little short of my standards. ANYHOW, I think it will turn out okay. But now I'm realizing that I need to get out of here to catch my bus... so I must be off. I have so much to say about the ridiculous weather we're having here (as does everyone else across the country about their respective locations) - I am predicting another Ice Age... it has arrived! And if I get preserved in ice at this computer station, whoever finds me in several thousand years will have no understanding of what I'm really like, so I'm going to run to the bus! AGH!

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