Saturday, December 9, 2017

first December post (!)

Every night that I lie in bed with the kids (which is every night) I either fall asleep with them or I am tempted to go straight from their bed to my bed and fall asleep without tending to the grand mess of downstairs. And one of these nights I'll do it - ignore the jobs and go to bed early... but tonight, I'm finally getting to Thursday's list of things to do - blog! This is my overly ambitious list from Thursday:

And what did I actually get done on that day (other than the usual stuff)? Let's talk about priorities: I did laundry and I made nanaimo bars, and 2017 Christmas baking is complete (laundry, unfortunately, is never complete). The sugar cookies with the candy cane icing are by far the most popular this year - they even trump the jammy-ds, though for me, nothing beats a good nanaimo. (And YAY! Today I finished off the rest of the list - two days later ain't too bad...)

Anyways! There is much to write about, and I think I'll get to the last few days before I try and catch up on the last few weeks. Steve and I got a babysitter last night and went out... ALONE. I had a work party and we enjoyed a rare night out downtown at a bar. We had a few drinks, mingled, and enjoyed being out with other adults (!) - it inspired us to do it again some time, even without a specific special reason (i.e. an organized event/gathering). Friday - I have to write about this before I forget - on Friday, after a week of 5:00/5:15 and then 6:00/6:15 Jordan wake ups, I either forgot to set my alarm or turned it off and was woken up by Alana playing in her room... at 7:30! And since I'm supposed to be at work at 8:00 there was a minor major panic and frenzy to get ready and out of the house - after 8 1/2 hours of sleep for me and 12 for J-bubs - !!!!! The irony is that with the morning pedal-to-the-metal I was at work earlier than usual... go figure. And today Alana's mega-wiggly tooth finally fell out (lost tooth #2) and we battled the crowds to get the last of our Christmas shopping done (Alana and I went to the Y to go swimming but found both pools drained and closed so there was a change of plans). I took the kids to the dentist on Thursday and everyone got a clean bill of health, hurray (and I used my insurance - double hurray)! Aaaaand the mood around here is quite festive; we have the tree up and decorations all over the place, Christmas music can often be heard over the whining and crying and fighting, and the treats are stashed up on top of the fridge since Jordan will move the bar chairs to any kitchen location to help himself (he actually does this on a regular basis). Only a few more weeks of school and then it's Christmas vacation, woohoo! And I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking...

cupcakes on Hendrik's birthday :)
how I wish this happened more often... love and lego!
opening presents at his party.. fun fun!
bedtime stories

saturday market walk
we should adopt new house rules: EAT IN A BOX. cleanup is much easier.
not staged. i loved this...
we went skating and after watching his big sibs on the ice  - and by VERY loudly showing his enthusiasm (it was adorable) we let him have a try... it started well but didn't end that way. still, he made it out on the ice!
tears and a total lack of cooperation from Jordan, but Hendrik did well! He was doing laps by himself after 15 minutes. And despite a shaky (teary / terrified) first lap, Alana did well too - she even ventured out on her own. There sure was a lot of gear to cart around! 
decorating sugar cookies (Jordan discovers icing)

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