Sunday, November 19, 2017

short and sweet

One of the perks of this job that I'm doing is that I'm reading more; somehow I've read three books this week - !! I just finished My name is Parvana (the first Deborah Ellis book I've read) and liked it; I also liked The Thing about Jellyfish and Fever 1793 - and I think I'm going to look for a historical fiction next. I find graphic novels easy to get into and quick to get through, and because they're so popular in the library I'm able to look at a good selection each week. Another perk of the job is buying books, and I've had luck at the Goodwill Bookstore around the corner from our place (at Adelaide and Huron). Amazon has also delivered up some popular goods, and I know the 10 Elephant and Piggie books I'll have shelf-ready tomorrow morning will disappear quickly. I also love how much the older kids are excited about library time; I'm reading the 7/8s Roald Dahl's Witches, and every time I wrap it up there are complaints that I can't keep reading (which, of course, I love). There are only five weeks left of school and then it's Christmas holidays! Yay. I do like my job but I like weekends better.

This weekend has been a long one, with the kids off of school on Friday for a PD Day. Hendrik spent the weekend in Bowmanville all by himself (!!) and it even though it was nice to have some more concentrated Alana and Jordan time, it was quiet and everyone missed him. Steve is on his way to pick him up, Jordan is sleeping, Alana is playing with Camila, and I'm thinking about starting Christmas baking (how noncommittal does that sound). On the list so far are the regulars: jam diagonals, sugar cookies and nanaimo bars, and I'm going to consult the cookie bible Dorie's Cookies for some other ideas. We won't get into the spirit until after Hendrik's birthday, which is all set for next weekend... He'll be seven! Crazy. There's not much else to report and not too many photos either. I need to up my blogging game!

Jordan's latest thing = climbing, especially on chairs (of all heights)
making an "H" shaped piggy bank

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