Friday, December 22, 2017

another pre-Christmas post... it's a miracle!

As soon as I posted last time I realized that I didn't post any of the dress-the-tree pics, so I'll be sure to include some of those this time. I can't believe it's only FOUR days until Christmas break! The kids are excited and I'm excited too...

with our neighbour Liz 

Jordan has been so good with the tree (to our surprise), and usually stays away unless it's to marvel at the lights. We're in a bit of a morning routine where he wakes up a little earlier than I'd like him to (6-6:15), and then the two of us come downstairs, turn on the lights and sit by the fire (which is really quite Christmas-y). He does his best to set things straight if/when I deviate from his plans and try to do something crazy like make lunches or coffee or have breakfast. He whines, grabs my hand and brings me back to the fire and shows me where to sit down (pat-pat on the mini kid chair he wants me to sit in). Unfortunately, despite the early wake-up it's still a struggle to get out the door on time for work. And with the snow - the snow! We had a few days of serious snowfall, so we had to budget morning time for snow removal. The kids have been loving it (Jordan included), but thankfully we've had a bit of a break - there's been no new snow in the last few days.

just a little snow to shovel... !!
first sleigh ride :)
first presents! from grandma and grandpa O... thank you thank you!

friends over! the girls made t-shirts
and the next day we decorated sugar cookies (again)
merry christmas!
I started this post DAYS ago and here I am to finish it. You won't get much more out of me because school is OUT and holidays are here and the last thing I want to do is sit here and look at the computer (even though there's much more to write about and even more pics to post... ). I'll do my best to get another blog posted before the new year. Merry Christmas everyone! xox

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