Wednesday, July 27, 2016

cottage living

We are back home from the first cottage trip of the summer - a full six days of fishing, swimming, boating, reading, playing, building, and exploring - and it was great. The kids didn't ask to watch TV until day six, and were busy busy down at the water or up at the sandpit filling the days from dawn to dusk with on-site fun (yay). On our way home there was more than one "I wish we were driving TO the cottage right now" and lots of love expressed for the place throughout the week ("I don't like the cottage, I love the cottage!"). The weather was great with just a few too-hot days at the end of the week. We can't wait to go back! I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking...
the s'mores were a big hit 
dino digging

me and my boy
gone fishing, love these three!
so many punny captions could accompany this one!
first life jacketing en route to the sandbar - no fuss at all!
this happened all day every day... so much fun!

some bowmanville highlights: visiting with hugh and michelle and a watsons trip
lots to do on land too - more dino digging, games and activity books, naps (for some) and swinging
boat tripping to the sandbar

getting ready + photo bomb!

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