Sunday, February 22, 2015

short and sweet!

Big weekend here folks - the volleyball team I'm helping with up at Western won a bronze medal at the OUA (Ontario University Athletics) final four, and it looks like we are buying this house. Yoiks! Piles of homework are getting bigger and I have a long list of productive-things-to-do I could pick from, but instead I'm going to sit down on the couch with Steve and watch TV and think about what we'll eat this week for dinner (after perusing Great Food Fast (I should get cookbooks out of the library like my maman!) this list looks something like this: pork chops, lentil stew, pasta, shepherd's pie, beef and orange stir fry, and/or flank steak + who knows). Laundry first, Crabbie's second, couch third - oh so much more to write about coming... some day! 

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