Tuesday, February 17, 2015

short and sweet

As usual, there's mucho to write about and not so much time. The whole family has been tired tired - Hendrik even took a nap at school today, a first for him - so we've been trying to get to bed at a decent hour (something I can do if and only if I'm not in the middle of a good book; last week's late night's were Eleanor and Park's fault). We had a great Valentine's Day (what did we do?!) with heart-shaped pancakes and a huge humongous win on the road - ! We just barely made it into the playoffs, and knocked the first place seed out in the first round - they didn't know what hit them. Next we play Toronto in Guelph (Friday, 8:30) and then a bronze or gold medal game on Saturday - eek! Can't wait.  Here are a few pics - I need sleep!

tired kids sleep like this. really.
valentine's galore!
and SNOW galore

there was a valentine's day party at this guy's school, and he came home with a box of cards

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