Thursday, February 13, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Books, books, books; Valentine's books! We are big into the special holiday books around here, and that's in large part thanks to my mom; I remember getting excited about the special books that'd be brought out just before a holiday, and then put away again... and she has gifted (along with my dad, bien sur) a sizable stack of Valentine's Day tomes. The kids have a few favourites, and though we read all ten of them on the couch tonight before bed (I was in such a happy place with the two of them crowded close, all ears and smiles) the ones that come out on top are Arthur's Valentine, Louanne Pig in the Mysterious Valentine, Franklin's Valentines and Love Bugs. At preschool this morning the kids mailed each other Valentines, and we must've read some of our holiday books ten + times; Hendrik was feeling it when, unprompted (I didn't hug him first), he gave me a huge hug, and then a few minutes later said, "I LOVE Valentine's Day. Do you see how big my smile is?" How cute is that?! I'm excited for them to wake up IN THE MORNING and see the valentines that are waiting for them (inspired by Arthur):

The sleep isn't much better than it was, well, any time in the last few weeks, but last night Hendrik slept all night and Alana was just up twice. A good night is due down the tracks pretty soon here, and I'd love it if it was on it's way NOW. Right right now.

I will post videos and then.... I need sleep. Because of recent nights - all recent nights - and because I have a big weekend of coaching coming up: Saturday, Sunday, all day, in preparation for the Ontario Winter Games.

Happy Valentine's Day people!!

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