Wednesday, December 4, 2013

this that the other

This is going to be one sprint-through-it blog - how does it get so late so quickly? And how does that list of things-to-do never get any shorter? Mrrrrr. This is the thing: if I could count on Alana sleeping through the night, I could would might stay up a little later to attack the must-do section BUT... I sure can't count on her getting a half-decent nights sleep, unfortunately. Every morning I remind myself that it could be worse...... but I will so oh so so so SO welcome that uninterrupted sleep when it comes... but when? When? When when when? She's teething and she's always wanting me - you should her hear scream (like someone is ripping off her arms) when Steve goes in to get her - and she wants into our bed, which is our last-ditch effort to get some sleep. Anyways.......
we've had much much fun with all of the snow - alana isn't so sure, but hendrik LOVES it!
We're in the Christmas spirit, but I just put up the first of the decorations today (a red and green paper chain) and festive baking is still a work in progress (nanaimos, jam diagonals and gingerbread, made; sugar cookies, vegan nanaimos (just because I'm curious) and candy cane cake balls, yet-to-be-made). Because we're heading to B-ville this weekend and then again in a few weeks for Christmas, we're not going to put up a tree, but I still do want to get a bit of holiday spirit up in colour on our walls; we'll chip away at it, I suppose. There's more I could be writing about, but I'll just post a few pics and get to bed. It's late late late!

hendrik's first jam diagonal was circular... ish!
a new, grandma-b fait birthday duvet - with dinos and franklin... it's a hit!

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