Friday, June 28, 2013

books books books!

from the library: Demolition (Sally Sutton), Just Ducks (Nicola Davies) and If I Built a Car (Chris Van Dusen)
and recently purchased: Extra Yarn (Mac Barnett), Roadwork (Sally Sutton) and The Boat Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta)
I'm in love with Extra Yarn - the story, the art (Jon Klassen), the girl in the story... all of it. Most of the time when I buy books for the kids (/for me), I tuck them away in the closet for future special treats or birthday or Christmas presents, but Extra Yarn is out on my desk and we gave Hendrik the alphabet book a few days ago, and he loves it. He's loved all of the Jerry Pallotta alphabet books, and though some of them are a little broad in terms of age appropriateness, they're winners. Plus, we've all learned muchissimo about dinosaurs, underwater creatures and construction vehicles, and I'm way more interested in all of the aforementioned things - a good thing, no? The library books - man, we must've read Demolition and Just Ducks at least 75 times in the week or so that we had them; the car book was great, but just a little too out of Hendrik's league age-wise. We'll look for it again next year!

reading in the garden | chocolate wars - recommended for chocolate fans!
I found some time to get through this book (recommended reading for chocolate lovers - I was sold as soon as I laid eyes on the cover) in Bowmanville, and just finished Half Broke Horses, the prequel to The Glass Castle. There's a good stack of books to be read here, and I'm not too sure what I'll start next - I have The Finkler Question and Born to Run on deck, so it'll likely be one of those.

Doesn't this all sound a little too idealistic? Time to read? And make dinner? And exercise? And blog? Yeah. No wonder most of my to-do lists are undone. Sigh... ah well! Time to go and hang out with my boy, who has been referring to himself as T-Rex, alllllll day. CUTE!

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