Friday, April 12, 2013

surgery plus

cutest EVER in his hospital jammies
 Hendrik had his surgery this morning and it went well! Hurray. Here's how it all went down, in a nutshell: Steve woke Hendrik up this morning at 6:30, and the two of them motored to CHEO. It was snowy and blustery, and thankfully I managed to snag a few more zzzzs - and caught up on some that were eaten by baby-Alana wake-ups (12:00, 4:00, 6:00 - ugh). Then the two of us took a cab across a snow-stormy city and met up with Steve; Hendrik was likely still in surgery when we arrived (9:45ish), but we didn't have to wait too too long until our little guy was rolled out and taken to recovery where we could all sit with him. Steve's report of the morning was all positive: Hendrik cooperated 100% and the only hiccup encountered was with the machine used to administer the gas - it wasn't working, and Hendrik ended up waiting on the bed for a good 25 minutes before the problem was resolved, during which time he was on his best behaviour. (Which made Steve a very proud papa!) The only other thing of note that I remember was that the nurse that helped Hendrik get ready for surgery was named Nella - which brought a teeny tear to my eye (we love you Antonella!). Everyone managed to keep it together, and the tears and uncomfortableness that I prepared myself for were absent; the only thing lost was Hendrik's popsicle - upchucked on our way out of the room. He was definitely out of it while we were in recovery, and was still a bit foggy and slow-going back here, but after a 2:30-4:00 nap he was ripping around as if he'd been colouring all morning, leaving both Steve and I shell-shocked in his wake, spouting "slow down!" "stop running!" and offering up easy activities like colouring and looking at pictures. And just now - 9:45 - he settled down to sleep. Fingers are big-time crossed that he gets some good rest tonight and feels good in the morning. And afternoon. And evening. You get it.

post-op popsicle
back at home after a power-up nap

 Okay, and the weather? IS RIDICULOUS! Steve had to take 10 to scrape the ice off of the windshield before we could leave the parking lot this afternoon... in APRIL! Ridiculous. Ridiculous! Also extra ridiculous because most of my friends have spent the last week in Maui and are posting the most amazing pictures on facebook and here we sit in snow. Ugh. I get it - it's winter's last ditch effort to hang on, and spring is really right around the corner clawing her way through this disgustingness. Right? Yes, right. Okay - to sleep I go. If tonight is anything like last night, I'll be up in a few hours and then a few hours later and then a few hours after that. Bonne nuit!

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