Sunday, June 3, 2012


This is going to be a short and sweet post - my parents are here visiting and I have the latest Mma Ramotswe book waiting for me and just two days to read it... eee! Mes parents arrived Friday night and since then we've enjoyed some good meals, walks, trips to the park and mmmm that's about it - all good! Also all good was the trip Hendrik and I made out to the Ikea on Thursday morning, the biggest and bluest there is in Canada; it's over 400,000 square feet! That is big... I wonder how many people are on staff to clean? Oufffffff... Anyways, it was practically empty which makes for the best kind of shopping anywhere, especially at an Ikea, where, if you happen to be in a hurry, irritation and annoyance suction themselves on to your visit from start to finish. We stopped for lunch - meatball meal combos - and I managed to limit my purchases to four (five?) things: step stool for Hendrik, potty for Hendrik, baby utenstils + cups + bowls (again, for Hendrik) and napkins. Oh, and a giant tupperware for ... guess who ? Hendrik and his too-small clothes. So - the only thing I didn't get for Hendrik was napkins? Hm. Well, whatever, I got myself some meatballs and root beer.
 And we're a few days closer to getting Steve back - after a 0-3 run in Poland this weekend they're making their way to Brazil tomorrow. That has got to be one loooong trip, and they get to make it again one week later when Europe welcomes them back to Finland. We haven't talked much in the past few days (booooo) but maybe we'll have better luck this week (maybe?), even though Hendrik and I are on our way to Vancouver on Wednesday. Steve will join - on my birthday! - and I can't wait. Some pics from the week, and then I'm off to Ladies Detective Agency-land...
dinner tonight, yums!
cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters + - from last night's pizza supreme

steve giving someone (gavin?) the crazy eyes (love it) before yesterday's game against Brazil

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Have a great time with your mom and dad! Looks like Hendrik had fun at IKEA.....more fun than having his dinner by the looks of the pic!!!