Tuesday, February 1, 2011

goodness and more goodness

Is there anything better than a fresh, warm-out-of-the-oven cinnamon bun? I think not. These goodies are doing nothing for my hopes of getting back into my pre-babe jeans (nor is yesterday's decision to forgo the workout in exchange for a mid-morning nap), but who cares... they are - or were - downright delicious. Here's the recipe - Clone of a Cinnabon, from allrecipes.com, one of my go-to sites for dinner and goodie ideas. YUM. Yum yum yum.

And more from the yummy front - homemade bread (Whole Wheat Honey) and chili (a DIY recipe) in the slow cooker... more goodness and just a little less guilt. Hendrik has been completely adorable (see vids below), gooing and gaaing and growing too. He slept like it was his job yesterday, giving me time to read a few articles in the food issue of the New Yorker that my mom brought two months ago. There is some great writing in there - something I feel like I could aspire to, if only I could find the focus. Is it the baby brain or just plain laziness that prevents me from being more hmmm... how do I say... determined (?) in my efforts to exercise and write? Maybe. I don't seem to have any issues with finding the time to make (or eat) cinnamon buns; perhaps I just have to remind myself (by doing) that fired neurons and worked muscles feel every bit as good as butter and sugar and cinnamon rolled over and around and around in wheels of sweet golden dough... right?

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Ohhhh, how adorable! Can't wait to see Hendrik again.....he has changed so much since you were here a month ago.