Friday, October 29, 2010

36 weeks

It's almost November... !! A good friend of mine Anne-Marie just had her baby three weeks (ish) early, so that gave us both a bit of a wake-up call - step on it and get ready already. I had two doctor's appointments this week, one of which was an ultrasound, and I love seeing baby up there on the screen, even though much of it is unrecognizable to me. I was asking questions what's that and that and that, and the only comment that the technician offered on her own was this: in her thick Indian accent she said, "this baby's legs are very, very long." Hm, go figure. As far as measurements, I'm not so sure; the results weren't in for my appointment the following day :( I know they're most estimations anyways, but I'm curious about how big he is and how long he is and oooh I'm so excited to meet him. There's no rush though! Little babe, come out when you're ready.

As of le moment, we have no plans for Halloween. I've been mega tempted to buy a bag of Halloween candy, but I hadn't found one with all of the necessary goodies until I was in Costco the other day. I stopped, and picked it up and then asked myself, do I really need a $15 Costco-sized bag of candy? The pregnant foodie in me says "yes! yes! this is the perfect opportunity to play the pregnant card! buy it eat it!" and the rational person in me says "no. pig pig piggery." The chances that we'll get any trick or treaters are slim to none, so it would be all for us, and I'm sure I'd be sick of it and want it out of the house pretty quickly. So instead I just came home and ate the M&Ms out of the trail mix... awoops. I'll have to go to Bulk Barn to restock (otherwise the trail mix is just boring - only raisins and peanuts and cashews and almonds), and we'll see if I can resist temptation - giant bins of mini-chocobars? We'll see.

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