Boooo jet lag! Yes we're back and yes we are jet-lagged... up at 4 or 5am after six hours of sleep. Perhaps this is preparing us for something? Or perhaps not. Anyways, it's been - and still is - a struggle to get through the day without hitting a big fat heavy duty wall some time in the afternoon-evening. I would love to be able to say that we've been getting things done and sorted in our extra waking hours, but this is not the case; our brains are also mired in jet-lag sludge. I have gotten myself together enough to go through my stuff - clothes, books, shoes - that still crowd my room at Mom and Dad's house. So, much of that is gone (too short shirts, as wide as they are long university sweatshirts, college textbooks, mile-high-waisted pants) and will hopefully find a new home somewhere.
Otherwise we've been busy seeing friends and catching up with family, which has been amazing! It's probably the best part of our visits back to Vancouver. The worst part so far? I went to the dentist this morning and have a cavity... blech.
SO, I realized that I never posted pics of either of my two little jobs in Tokyo, so finally, here they are. First Run for the Cure...
Our lovely "office" building... a house!
Naoko, Francesca and I - happy we met!
and sad that we are parting ways...and secondly, Evergreen Language School...
These were my three bratty (but cute) students - they liked to blurt out words like POOP on a regular basis. I bribed them with candy.
The school, just a bike ride away!Soooo we have five more days in Vancouver, and then we're eastward bound: to Toronto for a week (or so?) and then on to Gatineau and Ottawa. Summer plans are still in the works, but Steve will be with the National Team and I will hopefully be coaching volleyball... and... there will be more, but I'm not sure exactly what that will be yet. For now, our number one job is getting over this jet lag, and sitting here on the bed writing this blog isn't helping much SO! I'm going to drag myself AND Steve down to the gym. Fingers crossed that this will do something to help cure the need for the coma-nap...
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