Saturday, April 10, 2010

work and food and visitors

For the first time in my life, I am waking up every morning and going to work. Work! Not play. There is a desk there, and a computer, and I don't wear runners or spandex or a whistle, and people wear ties and have meetings, and it is strange and new and different for me. This is the third non-gym job I've had in my life; the first was a ten-day temp job stint at Chapman Land Surveying (as a secretary), and the second was a summer job as a sales assistant at a kitchen store in Park Royal. And now, voila, I'm working at Japan's only foundation dedicated to breast cancer research - Run for the Cure. And what, you may ask, am I doing? Well... I signed up for the job thinking that I'd be a helper outer around the office, but it turns out that I am the Interim Executive Director - !! I don't do much to deserve such an important sounding title, but I am trying my very best to contribute and do what needs to be done. Essentially, that is to get all of the information from the last Executive Director (who left a few weeks ago) concerning events, fundraising, sponsors etc, gather it into a clear and comprehensive document package, and hand it over to the person who will take over the job later this month (hopefully). Also, I contact sponsors, sell advertising and try to get people to buy copies of the magazine that the foundation produces. That, my friends, is about it. I've been volunteering at RFTC since we arrived in October, and, as Steve says... it paid off.

It is strange though, being so busy. With Steve's commitments not happening until later in the day, we've gotten used to spending mornings together and I've gotten used to going swimming or running and planning things around the few hours of teaching or volunteering I have every week, and now that's out the window. I plan things around work - or around visitors. I've had this job since our Spring guests started coming, and it's worked out pretty well. I go in in the mornings, and meet up with people in the afternoon after my six hours at the office. But this week I've worked things out so that I won't be going in so often because.... my parents are coming! I am so so so excited to see them. This will be the first time that they've been to visit us since one of my first years in Spain, and I think they are going to love it. The food, the people, the different sights and sounds and ways - and did I mention the food? Oooooh, I have a week of wonderful eating planned, and I can't wait for it to start!

We haven't been here (yet), but this is an all-you-can-eat sweets place with cakes, cookies, tarts, pies - you name it, they've got it... 90 minutes, 1500 yen (about $15) - any takers?

Nao, me and Steve before or after a delicious tonkatsu meal (below)

The way to dress up your kid's lunchbox - a little extra work, no?

Hot dog creatures?

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