Thursday, September 3, 2009

leaving lakeside drive

And so! Today is moving day. We managed to get everything into the 17-foot Uhaul yesterday (Tetris), and thanks to some help from our friend Pascal, it wasn't too painful. The new people take possession at noon, and we're planning to be out and on our way to appointments before then. They seem like nice people - they came over to get their mail two days ago (we thought it was an excuse to come and ask if they could move in early - because they did ask if they could move some stuff in before 12:00), and we had a nice chat. Neither of us really feel sad about leaving the house or the city. As far as the house goes, we both got a little emotional when we decided to sell it, but the only emotion I feel about the place now is happiness, and maybe some pride; we made some great changes here. The city I am ready to leave. I don't want to be mean to Winnipeg but I'm super over the bugs (they are HORRIBLE right now - horrible), the constant construction and drivers that never learned to merge. There are good things and bad things about any and every place (no?), and there were/are good things. It's affordable, the people are nice, there's a great music scene, it's home to our favourite sushi restaurant, Yujiro (on Grant), and we've had a lot of memories here. We met here, and lost a lot of sweat here too - Team Canada Men's Volleyball was here for 10 years (I think), and Team Canada Women still train at IGAC at the U of M. There's a lot more to say, but, in a nutshell, that's about it. I'm excited to move to Ottawa/Gatineau! September will be a busy month with a move (another cross country drive - ugh) and a search for a new place. Plus, we have to make all sorts of arrangements in preparation for the next season of volleyball... busy busy. And so... we're off in the Uhaul this afternoon, Ontario bound!

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