Thursday, September 24, 2009


Ugh - buying a home/apt/property is frustrating! We're jumping and crawling through hoops (and have been all week) to get things set up and organized and somewhat-sort-of done and ready for a move-in. We're none too sure if this will happen as scheduled (that would be tomorrow), and are just trying to keep stress levels low... and are, so far, not so successful on that front. Other news? In one week - we'll be in Tokyo! From one place to another, here we go again. We're both feeling that there will be some relief - a chance to breathe and know that everything has been taken care of (right?) - once we get on the plane. Toronto-Tokyo is a 14 hour flight, and at just over 10,000 kms (as the crow, or as the AC jetliner flies), it's roughly the same number of kilometres that I drove this summer... yikes. Other news, other things... I am fully and completely out of the loop as far as movies go (as per usual), but there is one that I am looking forward to hearing about, and to seeing: Where the Wild Things are. Will it disappoint? We saw a preview the other day and the costumes looked amazing - check out the trailer if you haven't seen it already. Spike Jonze and some of his buds have set up a photoshop contest at their website We Love You So - "Where the Wild Things Ought To Be", and there are some creative entries, such as the one below. How I love children's books! I gave in to temptation the other day and both The 20th Century Children's Book Treasury, and I love it; Amelia Bedelia, Good Night Moon, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, Madeline, Frog and Toad, Miss Nelson (is Missing!!), and, of course, Where the Wild Things Are.

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