Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The summer is speed-of-light speeding by but it has been amazing, and this past weekend was one of the best. A group of friends headed over to Pender Island for Lindsay and Marcus's wedding - it was AWESOME! I bussed out to Tsawwassen on Friday night - that was not so awesome - and took the ferry by myself (finished my book and read some mags) - which took forever! But better (I suppose) than fighting traffic all of the way. Anyways, I met up with friends at a very unique (I hope) bed and breakfast on the island. Our hostess Penny was/is a few bricks short of a load (or all bricks short) so there are a few stories from the weekend that involved her being crazy, screechy and, besides some see-through granny whites, naked. Only one member of our group got to witness that, lucky guy. The wedding happened on Saturday afternoon at Lindsay's family's cottage on Pender Island at Wallace Point, and it was beautiful. The weather couldn't have been better, and the superb natural scenery was just awesome. Lindsay looked like a supermodel (so did Marcus) and the ceremony was really nice; it happened right at the point, with guests casually arranged here and there, standing room only. Following a bit of an emotional ceremony we hit the wine and appetizers, had dinner, danced it up (apparently I won on the dance floor) and just had a wicked time. The group there was great - not a ton of people but a pretty tight knit group of friends, so not only was it great to see Lindsay and Marcus but also to see and spend time with all of our friends. Many had come from far away - all of the Swedes from Sweden, and Kim and Jesse from Calgary and Janine from Bermuda. So we really enjoyed being together and having fun, as we are all slowly being spread out to other parts of the country and the world. Over the course of the weekend, we didn't sleep too too much so I am playing catch up now... sort of. I'll admit that I'm a complete volleyball nerd for doing this, but I got up at 7:00 this morning to watch Olympic volleyball: the Americans somehow managed to beat Italy in five sets, winning 15-6 in the fifth. It was a crazy match. Anyways. What else... This week I'm coaching a final week at Capilano University (the college got an upgrade) and so far so good. I do have to say that my favourite age group this year was the grade 6/7s - they had such good attitudes, worked hard and improved so much over the course of just five days. Awesome.

I'm really enjoying watching the Olympics too - another nerdy thing to admit is that I totally just teared up watching Matthias Steiner, the German Olympic lifter, win the gold medal. In his final lift, he cleaned and jerked 10kg more than he ever had in his life (258kg - mind boggling) to win gold for his recently departed wife, to whom he had promised a gold medal. The emotional celebration that followed his final lift and subsequent victory was tear-jerking, and he held up a pic of his wife when he was on the podium. Check it out...

There are so many more Olympic moments to think about and write about but for now, for today, that one takes the cake.

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