Wednesday, September 26, 2018

September - school and life updates

from Run the Runway - so fun!
Oh hi! It's almost OCTOBER already (whaaaat) and everyone is settling in to the new routine (hurray). Week one was a shock to the system, but everyone managed (it was extremely overwhelming for me); week two was better and I made a mental shift to chill out a bit with all of my readings, assignment, home/kids stuff and volleyball commitments (which are extremely minimal right now). And now that we're nearing the end of the month I think it's safe to say that everyone is fairly settled with the back to school thing. Both Alana and Hendrik like their teachers (and so do we), and Jordan is happy at home with Dad. I'm at school four days a week so get to spend Fridays with the little (which I love!). That Monday to Thursday thing involves going to NINE different classes; some are two hours and some are three hours, but all of them have lots of reading required and assignments galore. When do I get work and reading done? I still don't really know. I have an assignment due tomorrow (not finished), a quiz on Thursday (haven't studied for it - yet) and a coaching presentation to prepare for a small coaching conference Western Women's Volleyball is putting on this weekend. Oh, and Friday is a P.D. Day and Steve is out of town this weekend. Bah! It's all good though. Steve is heading to Brandon with the McMaster men's team this weekend, so I'm sure he'll enjoy some volleyball immersion - and on the prairies too! There is much more I could write about, but if I don't post this now it may never reach my readers. (Are there still people visiting? I know it's sparse postings these days!) I hope that life is treating everyone well...

classic first day of school photo
oh hi!

from this past weekend at the cottage... it was a beautiful long weekend for us up at the Crowe

two front teeth GONE!

runners in the sunners

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