Monday, June 18, 2018

around town

splash pad fun!

Gosh, the days fly by and all of a sudden I'm not just a little behind with the blogging but seriously behind. We had such an incredible time with our friend Nao who came to visit from Tokyo - the last time we'd seen each other before our Toronto airport reunion was six years ago in Italy. We spent two full days in Toronto where we ate great food (Chinese at Mother's Dumplings and donuts and incredible meal at Terroni were highlights - we would be so fat if we lived in the same city...) walked a lot, did our fair share of sightseeing (including a helicopter tour -  !) and celebrated Dan-O's birthday before we made our way to Niagara Falls on our way home to London. Everyone loved having her here, but for Jordan it was really tops; he loved Nao. Loved. And he was genuinely sad when she left (so was I). Here are a few pics from around town during - and just after - her visit.
at a mini-music park near our house

Gibbons Park on a beauty night


Jordan and Nao - on the trampoline

hard at work in the garden

my trio at LPL

my trio at my school's Spring Fling book sale table

"hang in there little one"

Injury update!
Alana's sling came off this past weekend (in the middle of a very active and sweaty ninja birthday party), and despite a little hesitation, she seems fine. However... at her three week follow-up appointment on Friday her GP didn't even examine her but instead suggested she see a surgeon and he seemed to think that's what should have happened pronto post-accident; apparently the break was ugly. So there's an appointment scheduled for July 4, though I'm thinking everything will be healed up by then... we'll see! Hendrik is back to normal, sporting a new scar on his browline.

I took the the day off work today to chaperone Hendrik's class (and many others) to the African Lion Safari, and the kids loved it. They loved the splash pad, and the bus ride through the wildlife was a close second. Everyone was up early, so most are in bed but STILL not sleeping which is really and truly unbelievable. Does anyone else have children that will not ever go to sleep at a reasonable hour - no matter how early they woke up or how hard they played or how full their days were? I continue to be amazed. (And hopefully they go to sleep soon.) Only a few more weeks of school are left, and we're feeling ready for summer... are you?

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