Wednesday, May 9, 2018

May days :)

I spent a little while this afternoon looking back on the blog, and I am SO glad that I have this record of our lives and our many adventures. Jordan is turning two soon, and I wanted to see what Hendrik and Alana were like at the same age, but I'll save what I found for a post closer to Jordan's birthday (this means I have to post again soon). I think I might bullet post this one and get to some photos on the double; otherwise, it might not happen (the posting part). The kids aren't quiet until so late, and I normally don't want to do anything but blob on the couch after squeezing in a few last jobs every day.

  • This won't come as a surprise at all, but Jordan wants to be just like his older brother and sister, and has almost given up on his high chair to sit at the table (only sometimes on a stool) in a regular chair with the tabletop at his forehead. This makes for lots of spills... and even more insistence on staying put (after spills). 
  • The kids had an art show at school a few weeks ago; all artwork was priced by the artists with proceeds going towards new Chromebooks. Hendrik's was priced at $5 and Alana's was $1... quite affordable! And now we finally have something up above fireplace!
  • Activities reboot this week, so life is about to get busy (busier). Alana is doing t-ball and soccer and Hendrik is doing baseball. We'll do lots of backyard sports (last night Hendrik and I played pepper and then we had a family baseball game - team Pink Power lost to the Blue Jays 12-11... it was close!) and we'll buy a membership to the city's outdoor pools again. 
  • Work is going well and will soon be a bit less busy as the Forest of Reading program ends this Friday with a field trip to the Festival of Trees event here in London. I'm taking 96 students on two buses - field trip first! Fingers crossed that everything runs smoothly.
  • Steve has been busy busy in the backbackyard, building planters, filling planters, planting things, cutting things, pruning things etc. etc. I think most of this work is done while Jordan is asleep in the afternoons, during which time he also manages to get a start on dinner. 
  • We are on the house hunt here in London (no imminent moves) but the market is so crazy right now homes list and sell in the same day for a price well over asking... so who knows what will happen. We have to decide where we want to be (if not in the same neighborhood) and then be prepared to pounce. This sounds way too energy consuming.
  • The weather has been incredible the last few weeks as it seems as though we went straight from winter to summer. The kids are wearing shorts and summer clothes, and it's been a challenge to get everyone inside and to bed at a decent hour because it's just so lovely out. 
I'm sure there's more to write about - I'll remember something important as soon as I post, but I'll get this up before another day passes. Have a great week!!

box floor fort - not enough real estate for two!

kitchen barbershop!

spring cleaning!

more spring cleaning (and tracing on windows)

last night's family baseball

I've been riding my bike to work - and came home yesterday to this! love...

some favourite books from our last haul (the lunch lady series is great!!)

le art!

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