Monday, June 20, 2016

feeling like summer!

There's so much to write about! We're just home from a busy weekend in Waterloo, where the kids spent the weekend camping (or glamping or Gramma and Gramping) with Steve's parents in their tent trailer and I spent the weekend doing the revamped Level 3 Technical course (I'm talking coaching - NCCP, volleyball), now named Performance Coach. With a playground literally right next to their campsite and a pool and crafts and activities and special treats, I'm pretty sure the kids had the best weekend of their lives; I also had an enjoyable weekend, though the days were long and the nights (with Jordan) longer. Steve spent most of his time at the gym, and was on-call with Jordan when we had to leave the classroom for the sauna-esque gym, but escaped to the campground a few times to swim and hang out with the kids. It was one of the hottest weekends of the year, so everyone was thankful for the pool - and I for the air-conditioned room we spent most of our time in. PLUS we celebrated both Father's Day and my 38th birthday on Sunday with a pizza dinner and cupcakes, and I was happy to have had some "me" time doing pro-D with the coaching stuff. Jordan was pretty well behaved all weekend - actually, he was exceptionally behaved save for the first night in the hotel... which made me wonder how on earth I'd get through the weekend, up all night and mentally engaged all day - but things improved with each night and it wasn't so bad after all. I'm wondering if maybe I'm just getting used to the interrupted sleep, as he's still eating every 3 hours around the clock; this means he's growing by leaps and bounds, and I won't be surprised if we'll have to ditch the 3 month clothing for 6 month wears soon.

birthday girl and fathers - i'm sad that mine is so far away!
cupcake surprise / grab
Steve and the kids surprised me with sundaes (complete with homemade chocolate sauce) after dinner tonight and they were deeeeeelicious (see below). I was spoiled with a few fabulous birthday gifts, but the best one of all had to be some big first smiles from Jordan which is darn good timing if you ask me. After a weekend of what felt like summer holidays, it's back to school tomorrow - for just nine more days!

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