Sunday, June 21, 2015


they like each other! today on a walk in Fanshawe Park Conservation Area  
Today, I love my kids the most when they are sleeping - which is right now. There were more than a few meltdowns today, so I am ready for some no-kid time; five hours of sleep (my fault - I went out last night) and kids up and ready to go go go (go go go go) at 7:00 am and the aforementioned meltdowns mean that I am one tired/drained maman. What's been going on this week? Bullets:

  • I turned 37! Crazy. I have said this more than a few times in the last two weeks, but I still feel like a 16 year old volleyball player at heart. Maybe 18 - but not 37! I had an awesome day full of good food, my amazing family and some friends.
  • I went out last night - and I was kind of shocked to see so many people my age and older at the bar; drinking, dancing, crowds, late nights and early mornings - how do people do it? Getting together with my friends was amazing, but the early morning and long day was less so - this isn't something I think I could do on a regular basis. 
  • We set up the trampoline! The kids LOVE IT -  and Steve and I have become referees. We laid down the law pretty clearly on day one (yesterday), and so far so good. We had a similar sized tramp when I was little (it might be six feet in diameter - Canadian Tire special), and then graduated to the standard big big size. As kids we were out there all the time, and I have two questions: how did people have trampolines without the safety netting - how was this allowed?! Secondly, do parents get trampolines for their children so they will sleep at night? We are going on two record early bedtimes here, and it might just have something to do with all of the jumping...
  • My best friend's sister and good friend Alexis came down from Toronto to visit for a few days last week and it was so so good to have her here. We ate lots (and lots) of good food (on my birthday we had baklava and cupcakes and fancy cakes - there was NO shortage of sugar!). Alexis visited us when we lived in Tenerife and we reminded each other of leche leches, a delicious coffee drink with sweetened condensed milk, espresso and regular milk - so we had that too. YUM! Yay for good friends and good food.
making bougatsa
  • I've been thinking about finding a dress for upcoming summer weddings, and lo and behold I found one... IN MY CLOSET. I bought it at The Bay a few years ago for $30 - it was ridiculously marked down - and have maybe worn it once. Hurray! New-ish dress, no shopping required.
On the horizon:
  • My sisters come on Thursday for a few days and I can't wait to see them! I also can't wait to show them our neighbourhood, have the kids meet each other again, and to do some fun summer activities (of which there are no shortage here - love it!). 
  • This is the last week of school for Hendrik, so we have a small to-do list to get ready for goodbyes. We also have to start some planning for the next few weeks - day trips, camping (maybe), berry picking, festivals; like I said, we have options!
  • I am getting back to business with my schoolwork tomorrow, and hope to be close to finishing my course by the time my sisters get here. (If not, I need to need to need to get back to evening work time.) In any case, I need to work away and get it done - and then I can hand the summer over to family and coaching!
  • Cleaning. Tidying. Purging toys. Sewing! Reading. Working out. Signing up for a race. Sleeping. 
That's all folks - Happy Solstice!

H's first baseball card :) adorable!
happy birthday!
in the trampoline box outside

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