Monday, September 29, 2014

sunny september

a few shots from the last week or so: H & A in the trunk of the car with oranges and their books, fall in Gibbons Park, our lawn-mower, the tree finds a new home, house shadows, more park views and tucked in tight for TV
After a few weeks of chilly fall days, we've had some sunny summer weather - hurray! Hendrik was home for lunch today, so we made our way to Gibbons park for adventures in the woods, and the colours were beautiful. We'll definitely get back there as much as we can before the weather gets cold and the trees bare their branches; if we keep up the half-days at school we'll have the time. With him home sick last week we noticed major improvements in his demeanour/behaviour - we're not saying he's learned any bad-boy antics at school (yet), just that he's so so so tired when he gets home after a full day (9:00 - 3:30). He's three! I enjoyed having him home too, time with my little guy and gal is golden - except right before bed when I'm at my low and they're at their scallywag highpoint of the day (invisible muted volcano erupting spewing lava all over the place = how I feel in those moments).

adventure is out there!
Steve was away this past weekend at an Athletes CAN conference in Calgary, so we had to find adventure without him (see above pic); we went to the Archaeological Museum of Ontario (where the kids picked out a book each at the book sale: Hendrik chose Memoirs of the Society for American Archaeology - Archaeological Survey of Northern Georgia with a test of some cultural hypotheses (because it had lots of writing) and Alana chose The Megalith Builders of Western Europe (really). They both insisted on reading their books when we got home - whilst they waited for me to conjure up some lunch. I agreed, and let them read in the sun on the porch.

We also took a trip to the local fire hall, and I found some time (late at night when I should have been sleeping) to read about Lillian H. Smith, the Commonwealth's first children's librarian (in the 30s I believe). She's from the Forest City, and the Toronto Public Library branch that holds her name is also where I've spent some time looking at collections of Margret and H. A. Rey books, as well as original Margaret Bloy Graham artwork (the illustrator of Gene Zion's Harry the Dirty Dog books). I have more on my to-read list after finishing the short Believing in Books: The Story of Lillian H. Smith (Hendrik and Alana's archaeological picks are not on it).

Schoolwork calls - first papers went in last week, and I'm not holding my breath for the first grades back (okay, I am); we'll have to wait and see....

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