Sunday, April 27, 2014

sunday morning quick-post

So, the outlook for the season is looking a bit grim, after Thursday's showing in Athens; Panahaiki (Steve's team, the good guys) lost to Panathinaikos (the bad guys) 3-1 and gained zero points in the contest. To stay in the league there are a few possibilities, and today is a new day; tonight's match is a crucial one - stay tuned for results. The most notable and must-mention parts of Thursday's game were the shenanigans (always red and yellow cards, always extreme gesturing, posturing, and finger and tongue wagging) and the fans (hooligans). The (very) unsportsmanlike behaviour - I can't adequately express, because I wasn't there... but perhaps these days (verbatim) from Steve will do the trick:

I'm in the locker room safe for the moment. Full water bottle assault at end of game. I got outta there pretty quick.

Some guy is now pissing down from the stands on some of our guys.

Panos got smoked by a full water bottle right in the side, 2nd set I think.

Many guys getting spit on all match.

Is this normal? Yes and no. It doesn't happen all the time in every game in every sport, but it's behaviour that's tolerated. And it's behaviour that has absolutely nothing to do with volleyball and everything to do with the club and the fans-for-life supporters of every team the club has running. So, for one of Greece's most historic organizations in sport, keeping a team in the top division is a matter of pride and honour for Panathinaikos, one that is non-negotiable, it seems. In any case, the guys get another crack at it tonight, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

at the Achaia Klauss winery, home to big barrels and old (1861) wine
And with just NINE more sleeps here (booooo!), we're starting to mad-plan and compile our must-do + must-eat list. It's in progress, and maybe I can get to it (and share) tonight if the kids get to bed at a decent hour. We've been invited for lunch at the baker's house - their daughter, Joanna, who also works at heaven's local phyllo and deep-dish pizza outlet, speaks English, and her brother and his kids will also join. The people here are so so kind, and I know that I'll miss the Greek hospitality, though I missed the Italian hospitality when we left from Vela for Canada as well.

I haven't taken a look at previous posts for quite a while, so thought I'd see if I posted on this day last year, and the year before and the year before, and found that indeeeeed I had:
2013: Mixed-bag blogpost - Hen recovering from surgery #1, forts, gym class and my memory board
2012: Hendrik at Alana's age, video, laughing...  ah-dorable!
But that's it, just two April 27 entries. I need to get dressed and get ready to go. More later, I hope....

with their mailboxes (crafty crafty) and the documentation from playing airport with Hendrik

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