Sunday, September 8, 2013

sunday eve

construction site consultation | birthday gifts | mamma maamma maamma!
We are more or less back in the swing of things here - meals, errands, lists, getting the kids out of the house - but not for long; we leave for Vancouver on Thursday night, eeeee! We (mom and chicks) fly at 8pm, so I'm hoping that the kids are well behaved and that they sleep. Too much to ask? Maybe. I'm thinking the sleep thing is fairly highly likely, though there will probably be an initial excitement plane-high something-or-other followed by what I hope will be a slumber-filled two to three hours.

My list of things to blog about:

1. Alana took her first steps! On the fifth - so a few days ago? She did three or four and then three or four again and since hasn't been so into it. She's walking around - holding (preferably two) hands with us, and is still, of course, tres wobbly. I have no pics and no video but will be sure to get some when she decides to try out her new tricks again...

2. A few days ago Steve took Hendrik to Sky Zone, an indoor trampoline park... and they both loved it. I would love it. Alana would maybe even love it - but there is no baby zone, just toddler time a few mornings per week... sign me up! Maybe we'll all make it out there before Thursday; if not, when we return.

3. Laundry Detergent. (Yes, this is actually on my list.) I am admitting to an absurdly gross (quantity) purchase: I ordered 16.5kg of laundry detergent (really) from  Costco - it was a serious deal and I never need to buy laundry detergent ever, ever again.

4. Hendrik has a new hard hat and he loooooves it.

5. This:

I finally started working on my Trento/Vela photo book - purchased on Groupon and due to expire mid-January, which should be here any second now with how time is flying these days. This was my motivation; I mean, it's already almost mid-September! Uggggggghhh. It's fall, and the weather has turned and I'm wearing pants and need to put away my flip-flops (sad face).... time sure marches on.

photobook in progress
And on that note, time has marched on in the breastfeeding front and I am no longer nostalgic about it. I mean, if I thought about I might be a teeny tiny bit sentimental about things, but the glass of wine with dinner was lovely and I no longer have a 7:30 nursing-curfew. Unfortunately, my body hasn't fully computed the stop signs, so I'm getting a bit desperate for that process to begin and end.

We're Vancouver bound in four sleeps!

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