Does this happen to other people? I have three videos of Hendrik up (from Italy), two net-windows with a total of 17 tabs open, Mail (no idea why), a playgroup schedule, iPhoto, Office, Finder, a photo info thingy and a brochure for a fly fishing clinic I'm going to tomorrow. Sigh. At least I can say that with this blog I'll be knocking three of five things off of my must-do-will-do-TODAY list which include blogging, making a potty chart and emailing a friend about sleep training (I didn't get around to going for a run or putting winter stuff away - which doesn't matter anyways because I wore a winter sweater this afternoon). Should I add computer cleanup to the list? Yes. Definitely.
looking for signs of spring
We went for a sweet walk in the "woods" this morning to look for signs of spring (inspired by Outside Your Window, a current favourite book), and then I escaped toute seule this afternoon to pick up some rubber boots and buy pajamas, something I've been meaning to do for quite the while. This fly fishing clinic - which will take me away from Alana for the longest time in her 8-month history - requires waterproof footwear, and with rain and chilly climes forecast for tomorrow, I'll be glad to have them. They were 40% off and are somewhat cute, despite being Men's shoes. Okay, they're not cute, but they're black and standard and cushy. I'm really looking forward to something just for me, that doesn't involve grocery shopping or errands on the fly. Alana, crowding night feeds closer and closer together, has been stretching her time between day feeds, so I feel okay about being away for four hours. And, if for some reason she isn't okay and gets cranky and whiney and needy-needy, I can be home pretty quickly. I'll bring my camera, and be sure to blog about it early next week. Yay!
Our week - what did we do? Gymnastics, doctor's appointments, brunch with my cousin, hockey and more hockey... and ? Photos can tell the story:
hendrik wearing a hat that belonged to my paternal grandfather, and working on his sherlock holmes face
who are we cheering for?
i am SO in love with this girl. what did i do without her?
hendrik putting on a show, complete with high-pitched monster voice... captivating!
sitting on his eggs. (there are two mallard nests on our property)
Two things I was thinking as I was driving home this afternoon: I LOVE Sirius XM (and I love that we still have our free subscription) and, despite the fact that I really should have gotten used to this by now, I can't get over how many people I see throwing garbage out of their cars here. And running red lights - running actual red lights. Is this the Euro influence thing going on in Quebec? Or is it a Gatineau thing? I don't know, but I don't like it. I like that Spring is here, I like that the desk I'm sitting at is organized, and I don't like how stressed out my husband is right now, sitting through the third period of Game Five of the Toronto-Boston series. I should go - and make sure he's breathing. From today:
1 comment:
So, so, so, so CUTE! Love the Leaf fans!
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