Thursday, December 20, 2012


at the Blue Zoo - there were MERMAIDS in the tunnel-tank. a decent zoo in the middle of the city
The number of things I could write about are reaching a drown-inable-sizable pond, and I know I’ll just feel better if I just write them down and get it out (instead of devoting a blog to each, I choose the list):
December 2011
I think about Vela and Trento all of the time. Could Beijing and Vela be any different? I think not. I miss Antonella and Luciano and the house and the garden and the air and the food and walking to the bus and walking in town… I loved it there.

Our kids are amazing. And they both seem ginormous (spelling?): Alana ( 3 ½ months) is growing out of 9 month sleepers and is 17+ pounds. And there are some days when I look at Hendrik and wonder, how much did you grow last night? He looks like a boy! Not a toddler or a two-year old, but a boy! What. is. happening.

Did I ever write about the room change? Hendrik is no longer in our walk-in closet, and we are no longer squeezing past his crib to squish clothes in cubbies. It was a smooth transition, and he has not yet learned that he could very verrrry easily climb out of his crib. Pfffft - who knows, he might just move from the crib into the double bed - !

The kiddies are amazing sleepers (knock on wood five billion times): Alana has been down by 9:00ish and sleeps until 7:30/7:45, with the occasional wake up to suck her thumb. Hendrik is usually in bed gabbering by 8:30 and asleep mmmm by about 9 or 9:30; he wakes up when Alana does, usually between 7:30 and 8:00  (with the occasional night-time wake up: “want blankie on”). I’m getting eight hours of sleep on a regualar basis and it feels amazing! May it last may it last may it last.

Playoffs have started for BAIC and it’s a so far so good thing. They’re 2-0 in the second round and are here for Christmas! They play on Saturday and then again on Thursday (the 27th), so we’ll be able to be together and eat together on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, yay! We’re planning a meal with all of the fixings for the 25th, and I’m hoping that the Christmas goodies last… they’ll last. I still have sugar cookies to make but everything else is fast disappearing; I need to write a Christmas goodies blog and include recipes. I love Christmas baking! Yums.

I also need to devote a blog to Bob and Marg’s photo stream; they saw way more of the city in five weeks than I will in four months, but - ! I did see their photos, and I should share.

Potty training: it sometimes happens. Hendrik is super into it sometimes and other times is very bleh; we know he is aware and knows what he’s doing (and not doing), but aren’t pushing it. He did complete his first potty chart and in doing so got a very special treat that we were all oh so super dupes excited about… chocolate milk! I love how he says it. Potty chart #2 is on the wall….
doing jobs, helping with laundry
Hendrik drew this bird on his mini Etch-a-Sketch - !
I’m just going to say something short about the Newtown tragedy; we’ve watched the news and read stories and it is so sad and horrible, and I feel so much for the parents and families enduring such incredible, umimaginable grief. May the prayers and thoughts from people around the world reach those who need them, and somehow keep them breathing and functioning until they are able to start to heal. I could cry just writing these words.

 But I won’t. Instead, pictures and videos of those I care about most; long may we keep them safe.
pillow igloo

I have more vids to post but they are taking forever! to load, so tomorrow. Night!

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Love it! The videos are sooooo cute!