Tuesday, December 4, 2012


christmas crafting
baked goods... mmmmmmmmmmmm
 Christmas is in! Even though I start thinking about Christmas baking long before the last month of the year, I don’t really feel okay about putting up decorations or playing Christmas tunes until December 1st. There are jam diagonals and chocolate mint chocolate chip cookies (both = amazing) in the fridge and freezer, the tree is up, there are a few decos on the walls and a few new Christmas albums ready to go… only three weeks until the big day! I’m 100% sure that we wouldn’t have been able to get so festive so soon if Bob and Marg hadn’t been here – Steve’s been away and the recent trip to Ikea wouldn’t have been do-able on my own.
(Ikea: we cabbed there, it was huge but not crazy busy; we shopped (way more stuff), fought mega crowds in the cafeteria, and I witnessed a shouting match between the mom that was waiting behind me in line for the baby change room and the man that locked himself in there. We waited a good 15 minutes for him to get out (we kicked, knocked, pounded on the door) – all while I hurried to change Alana with the door open, watching the crowd grow and people gathering and piping in to scold the man. Ikea in China, done it.)

And on that note (the Bob and Marg one), they leave … tomorrow. Sad face sad face sad face. We’ve gotten so used to having them here, and it will seem strange and a bit empty (I’m sure) with just the four of us. Hendrik will miss running into their room in the morning to read stories, and I have some big shoes to fill (four of them) with all of the energy and play time and activities that the house and our time have been filled with. I’m thankful for Skype, but it’s not the same; we will miss them. This has to be an on-the-short side blog, but I have to mention how much fun Hendrik has had with his Play-do birthday gift. Okay okay, we’ve all had fun with it – check the pictures… love it!
And I must add that BAIC (Steve’s team) beat the reigning champs (Shanghai) on Sunday in their gym 3-0 – kapow! They are, I think, in first place. The first round ends soon (next Sunday? next Thursday?) and then they’re put in different pools in round one of the playoffs. They play at home on Sunday, so hopefully we can corral the kids and get there without Grams and Gramps – I have to be able to do some of these things on my own, with two kids… right? I think I can I think I can I think I can……
3 months old
reading one of Hen's new birthday books

putting the creatures to bed after a pretend meal
our happy, sleeping babe

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