Sunday, April 15, 2012

catch-up +

My parents were here for a week, and on Friday night over some pizza and salad and wine and cheese they gave me a hard time when I told them that it seemed like they were here for longer (I meant that in the best of ways, but they were suspicious). But then, on Saturday afternoon when it came time to say goodbye, it suddenly seemed like not-long-enough; I hate goodbyes. We had a great time with them here - good meals, good relaxing time here and in town (naps for all every day) - and Hendrik loved having Gamma and Bapa around too, to read stories and colour, accessorize with their watches, search for dandies and much more. I'm glad that we have some serious time booked out west this summer; with the great big-ness of Canada, we haven't spent too much time with them since our babe arrived... I'm definitely looking forward to the month of June. (One-way flight booked for June 6th!)

Steve is away down south somewhere near Rome for game two of the semi-finals series (they play this afternoon), and with Hendrik napping and no house-guests around things seem so quiet. A perfect time to catch up on a few things and nap. Let's see if I can do both.

So (finally), the story on how we found out we were pregs again? Just before Christmas - the season of love, joy, peace and more booze than usual (right?) - I realized that it had been a while, but Steve insisted that just two weeks ago (or something like that - those may have been his exact words) I'd had my period. He was so sure that I listened to him (why exactly I'm really not sure)... but still held back on the drink. And then and then I just wasn't sure (and wasn't sure that Steve could really be sure either) so I decided to buy a test - to see. To confirm the negative result and to get the go-ahead to get at the wine and liquor cabinet. So while I was doing the Christmas shop with Ana on the 22nd, I snuck off and bought a test at the pharmacy and tucked it away for later that day. Steve was away somewhere (Poland? Serbia?) and Sarah, who was in town visiting, was also away for the day. I got home and with no urgency or expectations of a positive test, did the pee thing and then.... and then.... there was Hendrik tugging at my leg and spouting off mamma maammma mamma five zillion times a minute and I had to look again. Yes yup mmhmm, positive. I didn't have a freakout or anything - Steve and I had talked about the next babe (the when) and we were back and forth. Our conversations more or less amounted to a decision that sooner, or closer together would be something we'd want, but that was it. So anyways, I called Steve right away and he answered - our conversation went something like this:

Me: hi, how are you?
Steve: good, good, just finished practice, yeah, nothing much really. how are you?
Me: good. um, are you alone right now?
Steve: yeah, why? what's up?
Me: well, um well because.. i'm pregnant.
Steve: what! what? are you sure? did you take a test? what, really? are you sure?
Me: yes! yes of course i took a test i just took it and it's positive!
Steve: really? (a little shocked)
Steve: realllllly? (happy)
Me: yes! really... really! (happy, but still absorbing the news)

And after that I'm not really sure how it went. But he did ask me why I always do this while he's away. Always as in twice. With Hendrik too, I took a test while Steve was away - not because he was away but because I had a feeling and wanted to/needed to know... right? So anyways, it was the same with baby #2 - mom does the pee thing alone and calls dad who is far away to deliver the big news. Sarah came home later that day and I could hardly contain the information. And then that was that! I found a doctor online and made an appointment and here we are three and a half months later, with a healthy girl well on her way. Hendrik's first three months were in Japan, and his little sister's first five and a half months are in Italy... what babes of the world.

And the organizing to depart has sort of begun. We sent a big bag home with my parents, and I've started sorting through drawers and cupboards. I'm guessing that as long as the guys are in the finals on the 22nd, we'll leave on the 24th which means that we're going to have to be organized and not leave all of the packing to the 23rd (that's only 8 days away... !). We've never done the overseas big-pack with an almost-toddler around; I'm guessing it's not as easy as it might seem. And just looking around I know I'm wrong in thinking that we don't have that much stuff; in the end it adds up to way more than expected (gulp). Aooh well! C'est la vie. C'est OUR vie. Here are a few pics of other etcs - time to crash!
Easter, a week later! Opening a kinder egg from Antonella and Luciano. Thankfully he was way more into the toy inside (and the orange container) than all of the chocolate.... so cute!

Friday playgroup! It was great being a part of this group of parents and kids - for five months of Fridays!
20 weeks
reading with G-ma

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