Thursday, December 3, 2009

3D is better than 2D, at least for me...

Japanese man marries video game character? Say what? 37 year-old man dating 2D teenage anime character? Whaaaat? A quote from this article in the NY Times: "Nisan is part of a thriving subculture of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters ... The less extreme might have a hidden collection of figurines based on anime characters that they go on “dates” with during off hours. A more serious 2-D lover, like Nisan, actually believes that a lumpy pillow with a drawing of a prepubescent anime character on it is his girlfriend." Things go from weird to disturbing - if you read this article, you'll know what I mean. And as for the first guy, he took his new bride to Guam on a honeymoon. Read: He took his Nintendo DS to Guam for a honeymoon... uhhh, right. Apparently the phenomenon of 2D love isn't unique to Japan, though in terms of popularity, this country tops the charts. Love with video game characters and inanimate objects ranges from buildings ("woman marries Eiffel Tower"), to walls (the wall: "This is my husband. His name is the Berlin Wall") to teenage girls that live in the Nintendo DS game Love Plus. There is, of course, more, but I'm not really interested... it is all just so strange.

Three-dimensional December life has been busy so far - we are trying to get into the Christmas swing of things and are still looking for a tree - it is on my weekend to-do list... buy another tree. It's another one of those things that we get every year... and then leave behind... but Christmas needs a Christmas tree, so there's not getting around it. Christmas also needs goodies, and I've been stocking up on a few ingredients to make sugar cookies, nanaimo bars, jam diagonals and gingerbread. There are a few other recipes I'm interested in making, but haven't committed to - I mean, Bailey's Milk Chocolate truffles? How can you say no to those? I just don't want to drown in chocolate and treats and piggery... hmmm. We are getting visitors though, and they will help us eat these goodies (not that we'll have any trouble - it may just ease a case of the guilty gluttons). The Fab Four (Steve's mom and dad Marg and Bob, and aunt and uncle, Barb and Ralph) are coming at the end of the month! It's going to be great. Steve's sister and her husband also booked tickets - yay for visitors! This is a great city to visit - there is soooo much to do. On that note, I should get back to the world of 3D... I have more to say and more to write about but I have places to go and people to see.

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