Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Yay! Less than a week until we go home for Christmas! Home is where family is... and we are going to one of our families in Bowmanville and I can't wait! It is going to be awesome. AND! I bought myself a Christmas present! Well... I ordered it - I've had my eyes on a pair of ankle boots for a long long time and they went on sale (25% off) and I couldn't resist! I ordered them over the phone (Skype) and when the lovely American woman who helped me asked me where I was calling from, and I said Romania, she said, "Well I sure hope it's warmer there than it is here!" I'm thinking the company is based out of NYC or Chicago, but when I asked her how cold it was at her locale, she said 15. Me: "Above or below?" Her: "Oh oh oh above thank goodness but GEEZ it's still cold!" Uh, right. Not that it's cold here, but Winnipeg? That's cold. Anything in the positives should not ever ever ever count as cold. Okay, I'm calling myself out - I've definitely complained about it being chilly in above zero weather. Oh well, whatever. I just had to laugh: 15? Cold? Pah, I don't think so.

So us girls around here had a great weekend - of course I missed Steve terribly - but we had tons of fun! On Saturday after Tammy and Sherisa's game we made pizza chez Tammy - yum yum yum times a million - and drank wine (ditto on the yums). We were sort of on the fence as to whether or not we felt like going out, but around midnight rallied and walked the two blocks to Wish - the club in town. At first the music was mega lame-o (I even, in complete sassiness, asked the DJ to play some better music) BUT... as the night wore on and on (and on and on) it got better, and by around 3 or 4 Tammy and I were seriously cutting a rug - so fun! We stayed waaaay too late, and it was getting light by the time all of us made our way home. This meant that Sunday was recoop sleep day and full of blobbing and sloughing around, though we did make it to the other big grocery store in town - where we found NORI! So we can make sushi again! We're learning that if you see something you want, buy it tout de suite! Because next time it's almost guaranteed not to be there... This happened with nori and sushi kits at Carrefour, and cell phones at Carrefour and two cell shops that, just today, claimed that they hadn't had the phone I was asking about since the summer. Super frustrating! Oh well. My junker phone (I've had it for 5 years) is still holding up and will hang in there (please!) until I find one that I like and am prepared to buy on the spot. I suppose.

Along with the rest of his team, Steve is back in the motherland - Holland. They're in Doetinchem, which, on Wikipedia, looks nice enough. Apparently they're staying at a small-ish resort type place with little cabins - it sounds quite lovely - but, what a rip-off! Internet is 10 euros/hour... so we haven't talked at all. I gleaned this info from an email, so there you go. They play tomorrow night and I really hope they win - a long road trip is just that much better if it's punctuated with a win instead of a loss. Too true. Okay, time to get outta here (cyberland) - the girlfriends are getting together tonight for dinner - and I'm running late!

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