Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jet Lagged and Reading...

Between the two of us we've brough 12 books here.. .which over the course of our three month stay averages out to a book a week, and I'm already ahead of pace. (This doesn't count the 1000 pages of Urban Geography reading, definitely won't get that done in 3 months...) The jet lag is mean and limiting both of us to three hours of sleep at night and 4 in the morning/early afternoon. Last night I slept from 12 until 4 and didn't fall asleep again until 9... doh! But anyways, I've gotten lots of reading done aleady. Book number one was The Long Ships by Frans Bengtsson, a historical fiction about Scandinavian peoples, Vikings etc. and their life and travels. My dad gave it to me because he suspected that Yaroslavl, being situated at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers, was on an old Viking trade route... and so it is. It was mentioned in the book while the group was heading from the North Sea to Kiev in search of golden treasure... exciting. The second book down was Journey to the Amazon by Don Starkell.... entertaining but what a nutbar... he could have used some lessons in planning and preparation from Captain Osberg.

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