Friday, January 25, 2008

Slippers in the Weight Room?!?

It was so dark and gloomy today I had to have the lights on almost all day... so no pics of the apartment - I don't want people thinking that we live in a cave. It was windy and cold too, so my only outing was to the gym to lift weights. I was the only woman in there with a dozen burly Russian-looking Russians, none of whom were wearing athletic footwear. Some of them were wearing sandals (with socks ew), and some were wearing bedroom slippers! For real. I wonder if the women wear slippers too - what would the reaction be if I went to work out in fuzzy pink la senza slippers? I'm sure they'd offer great support... and they're just so pretty!! blech. There is only one bicycle in the entire complex and the height can't be adjusted so ... no cardio for me until I get clearance to go in the pool (I hope it's at least 25m... and no I don't have to pass a swimming test - a doctor has to certify that I don't have any weird infectious skin diseases - strange but makes sense maybe??) Apparently they don't do cardio here, though there is a ping pong table in the weight room - maybe that's how they get their heart rates up? Not sure. Hopefully it's nicer tomorrow so I can head downtown, I'm not in to braving the cold for the sake of sightseeing... I'd rather keep my slippers on and stay home ")

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