Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Good times with the Sissy!

I can't believe it's May 1st already! And that the season is over and we're on our way home soon. It always seems to drag on and on but as soon as it's finished.. it seems like it flew by. At least that's how it feels for me; for Steve I think it was long and painful and there was never any flying. Anyways, they finished 7th? which was disappointing but he's done! So no worries. My sister Claire came to visit for 10 days on impulse and we had an awesome time. It was a great mix of traveling/exploring and relaxing on the beach. We were super silly and drove Steve and friends a bit crazy but I have been deprived of good female friends so it was extra special for me ... awwwww! She left Sunday morning to start school on Monday - we had to call her professor (Mr Harris?) from Mykonos to make sure he'd take her in the class... she could have stayed longer but Mr Harris accepted her so... long term good short term (too) bad. This is a pic of us on Delos - a small island about an hour away from Mykonos in a very seaworthy boat (lots of waves and some puking, not by us) . It is an archaeological treasure trove of a place, with many intact houses and temples from as far back as the 7thcbc... pretty cool. Anyways, we're heading back to Toronto on Saturday I think.. so there's a lot to figure out with the team, apartment, travel plans etc... but yay! back to Canada!

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