Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The latest!

With everyone home all day every day, some days are better than others, and yesterday afternoon was a first. The kids each found something different to do on their own, and everyone was playing quietly without bugging anyone else... it was amazing! It was a first. Steve and I were each busy doing something, and we didn't have to stop and stop and stop again to help solve problems or tear someone off of a sibling. Fingers crossed it happens again!

We woke up to snow the other day (May 11). I do not like seeing snow in May.

On the heels of the snow post I can add that our pool is open! Steve worked hard to get it all ship shape and the kids have been in a few times. After we wrangled the gargantuan tarp off of the pool and attempted to clean and fold it, first in the back yard and then in the driveway and then on the front lawn (to the amusement of neighbours and passersby), the pool was cleaned and prepped. But unheated, it sat at 52 degrees. Who jumped in? Hendrik (7 times) and Jordan (once). We heated it for the one warm day we've had, just to be sure everything was working as it should - and to give the kids something to do that day. We are going to be extra grateful to have a pool this summer...

I learned to sew! I have made several masks for our family and some friends, and made 20 for the London chapter of Canada Sews. The output of some of the people in this group is incredible, but even though my numbers are paltry compared to others, I'm proud that I was able to put these things together. Next up on the project list is sewing some headbands...

School is going well for the kids, but handling the distractions of technology has been the biggest challenge. They want to play with the font size and send their friends (or each other) silly messages, insert enormous emoji faces into assignments and so on. They are working fairly independently, and all things considered, I feel good about our routines and what they're able to do every day (most days).

I had a great Mother's Day on Sunday. Highlights include homemade donuts (so good!), being sent to my room (I was there by myself for at least 5 minutes), and a walk with Jordan and Alana. It was a slow and easy day, and the kids gave me lovely cards and spoiled me with treats (donuts, dinner, coffee). I did reflect on how it is a difficult day for some, especially those that have lost a mother or daughter. I'm thankful for my time with my family and for my health, and I hope to enjoy Mother's Day Sundays for many, many years!

It's our first Spring in this house, and it's been fun seeing what comes up in the garden. There are some beautiful flowers and lots of weeds and I wonder how Gladys kept her garden going.

We have a piano/keyboard! My mom and dad very generously researched and purchased a keyboard for us and we have been enjoying it in different ways. Hendrik and Alana both play around on it, I've played a few songs from the book that came with the piano, and Jordan loves pushing the automatic play button and leaving the room. I think Steve has been on there too, playing hockey songs. I'm debating lessons (online or in-person) and have to figure that one out, but would love to get them some Frozen and Harry Potter music.

It's been sort of confusing, what we're allowed to and not allowed to do, with the COVID restrictions in place. For quite a while I was under the impression that we weren't really supposed to drive anywhere to go for walks, that we were only to leave the house for necessities and really limit travel. With parks open again (and after some looking/reading), we've decided to venture out for a few nature walks. Last Monday we went to the Elsie Perrin Estate, and this week we went out to Riverbend. The kids sometimes complain about going but then LOVE being out there, and I love seeing them explore and clamber and build. It really does make a difference, being out in the woods. Hopefully we can spend some time in BC (next summer?) doing the same... it's a different kind of beauty, but it's beauty nonetheless.

I LOVE this photo!
That's all for now folks, I hope everyone is staying happy and healthy! :)

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