Sunday, January 27, 2019

a little about a lot :)

birthday signs
Lots happens in between posts when they're weeks and weeks apart! Steve celebrated a birthday (woohoo!), and school and activities are in full swing. What activities you ask? Hendrik is doing ball hockey (with BHI London) and basketball (with the Ramblers) - both for the first time - and swimming, and Alana is doing swimming and gymnastics (with FCGC); Jordan is in Monday morning music class, and Steve and I are doing hockey and volleyball, respectively. There are some days when, between school, their stuff, our stuff and coaching, it's a juggle, but everyone is happy and into what they're doing (yay / phew) and, for now, it's working. It seems crazy but with my intentions of being more organized and planning ahead, I'm trying to think of summer stuff and spring and summer activities... ugh. So both bigs are signed up for baseball again (both parents signed up to coach too), and they'll both likely try soccer - we'll see how all of that fits in. Jordan will be the team mascot? Every team mascot? Maybe.

this afternoon

the forecast - !!
On another note... this weekend feels like the longest EVER because... it started on Wednesday! All three of the schoolkids skipped some school and made for Great Wolf Lodge where almost everyone had a fantastic time. The one who surprised us - with some apprehension and sickness (just a cold thank goooodness - last time Alana has the flu and puked all night) - was Jordan. When we walked into the cavernously large water park he sort of balked and then became a clingy leech. I was able to unhinge him and convince a try at the little slides, but it didn't last long before he was stuck to me again, asking to go back to the room. The trip was complete with Grandma and Gramps there too, and we were able to distract Jordan a few times to cling to Grandma (instead of me), but that wore off and the mommy-mommy vibes came back quickly. So I didn't do a ton of sliding, which was fine because I was quite cold-y as well. Hendrik and Alana (and Steve and Gramps) had lots of pool and slide time and enjoyed a trip to a nearby butterfly conservatory and put in a good chunk of time at the arcade one night. We've been home for two days and they're still wearing their bracelets, which they originally thought they'd keep on until our next visit (which might be years away).

Contrary to the days at the water park, we spent most of today's wintery day outside in the snow. We shovelled driveways, built forts, and Steve took the bigs sledding at a nearby park while Jordan and I did a few errands. It has been chilly, finally; it's getting down to -18 tonight and Wednesday's high is -19 (no doubt colder with the wind chill)... brrrr! I'm dreaming of planning a trip south next winter... but where to? There are so many options! For now I'll just try and enjoy winter - because time flies, and before we know it spring will be on its way (right?)...

 my Christmas lamp from Steve and the kids

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