Wednesday, May 21, 2014

short and sweetifwewereingreecerightnow

ohhhhh yeah, i make my children clean before i feed or clothe them
Le grand sigh! Grown-up things have been running around in our lives and it's too bad we don't have some magical genie to take care of it all. We want to sell our apartment here and the one we own in Winnipeg, taxes are due, big decisions are coming re: this fall (back to Europe or back to school?), and we're both feeling over and done with Gatineau. We've been here for four or five summers, but I felt more at home in Patra - the people were more open and friendly (to generalize), the culture was vibrant and happening, and the food, the food... maybe we should just go back there... tomorrow. The kids were bananas all day, and they just about sucked it all out of me. So, I'll tackle the dishes with one hand and down a glass of red with the other, ignore my to-do list and read my book instead... and get to bed before 10:30. Possible? Le glass is half-full... so yes!

surgery #3 coming up on friday morning for this guy... i sure do hope it's the last one! xox

1 comment:

Maggie B said...

Oh Alana! That is hilarious!