Prince and Princess (with just one of them dressed for the part)
There are way too many things to write about, and too many pictures to post. Because I'm short on time (as per usual), this'll be a photo-heavy post, d'accord? A few important things: Hendrik's surgery is booked (pre-op Monday April 8th, surgery on the 12th - that is SOON), and Alana is eating solids and sitting up on her own, with minimal flopovers. AND, she has a tooth! Eek! We're having an awesome time here visiting with family and friends, and our kids are the cutest - see the following photos. We're heading up to Thetis tomorrow and then on to Comox to visit my sister Sarah-pants on Tuesday, then back into the city for Easter and more friend rendez-vous(s). Should be good! Fingers crossed that the sun keeps shining.....
Hendrik and Stella
he even got the head tilt thing down - AH-DORABLE!
ready for a family walk
at the beach!
big boy swinging | going on 2 1/2
our beauty, 6 1/2 months old
we are full into solids; yams, squash, baby cereal, avocado, pears, banana... after a sleepless night I decided it was time!
jolly jumping at barb's this morning
barb and stella, kelly with alana and leo, me and hendrik and jenny and ellie
ME at 7 months-ish (TUBBER!) and alana, 6 1/2 months
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