It's great to be home (in Gatineau, that is), but there are things that I'm missing about other places: having friends, being surrounded by a language I understand, family... Hendrik and I went to Lac Leamy this morning while Steve hit the gym, and there were moms and kids and families all over the place, but I can't seem to get a handle on the french - italian is still the default second langauge, and I feel way more comfortable speaking and understanding italiano. (On that note, I miss Italy too. And Antonella and Luciano. And the food and our house and our neighbors.) Sigh... One day we'll live in a language that we feel comfortable in, but when that day comes we'll have given up all of these other fabulous perks that our itinerant life affords: time off, bottomless time together as a family, life and living and adventures abroad and more.
Anyways! So this morning, I didn't bring a bucket or sand toys or the camera to the lake (woops) but I did tuck the camera away this afternoon - some pre- and post-pool pics:
sporting mini-Havaianas - straight from Brazil! thank you Arthur, Ana + Rapha :)
33 weeks today!
his first encounter with chocolate pudding - suspicion, the finger taste and then, the following declaration:
He was like a man possessed at the pool, flipping and flying this way and that and both Steve and I were a bit googly-eyed over his energetic flimsiness... that is, until he slipped and got his very first goose egg. The poor guy wailed and cried as the egg grew (zoooop, right out the back of his head) but it didn't last long - five minutes later he was ready to fly around again and we were ready to get out of there before another such incident occurred. We're thinking that he's gotten used to the soft sandy bottom of the Crowe River; sand is much more forgiving than pool concrete. We drove up to the cot on Monday afternoon, and then jumped ship to make it back for a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon. All is well, and I have no real pregnancy updates... still feeling good etc etc. I'll keep this short because we've finally made a to-do list, and it involves making more lists, so I'd better get down to it. Here are a few Crowe pics, and some vids...
i love him i love him i love him
ready for a morning canoe ride with my two favourite people!
lunker city! steve came back little-kid-happy after hauling a few of these in
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