What is real - I will spare you the pics - is biggest poop of the little man's life, all saved up just for dad. It all went down (and up and everywhere) not two minutes after I left the house... what perfect timing. I had to ask Steve to take a picture, because it really was almost everywhere. And.... that's about enough of that.
We had a good weekend with a bit of everything. It was COLD though... too cold for the end of March in my books; it's supposed to be spring! -10 is not spring, no matter what anyone says. We went to an urban sugar shack that was hosting a maple syrup festival of sorts. It was pretty low key (maybe we were there too early?) and we were hoping for a bit more; perhaps we should have waited in the pancake breakfast line or checked out the library basement book sale or slid down the giant inflatable slides BUT ... it was just too chilly. We walked around, watched maple syrup drip out of the maple trees (okay, we didn't) and then made for the car. On our way home we went up and into the National Cemetery of Canada - Beechwood Cemetery - where my Grandma and Grandpa are buried. After a quick wander and a fast realization that I wasn't going to remember their precise resting place, we picked up a map and walked around in circles before finding the right spot. Cemeteries are strange places - there's sadness, but beauty too, with kept grounds and a sense of peace and quiet... and more. Anyways, we spent a few moments there in the sunshine, and it was a bit sad, but nice too.
And on a more... hmm... active and happy, here-and-now type note, we bought Hendrik an exersaucer and he loves it! We love it too, because he's happy in there for a decent little chunk of time - which makes making dinner possible. Hurray. Hurray for kijiji too... we'll sell it again when we're done with it. He's been a drool machine, and we're fairly certain that this is teething time... though thankfully he hasn't hit full fuss mode yet - yet. He has his cranky time and is just starting to show an interest in his teething toys (he gnawed on Sophie while we ate dinner: fish for us, giraffe hind leg for him), though his hands are still extremely popular. Okay, he's sleeping, so I'd better get to sleep too. Sleep when the baby sleeps! Especially at 11:00 at night. Adios!