The cherry blossoms are coming! I can't even wait. Trees around the city are at different bloomin' stages, and apparently in some places they are out full pop, while in others they are biding their time. One of the best places in the city to see sakura is right down the street from our house along the Meguro River; lined with papers lanterns and lights, it is going to be incredible - eeeeek! Can't wait. There is a big sakura festival this weekend somewhere along the meandering waterway, so that will be something to look into for sure.
I finished The Anthologist last week and liked it - loved some parts, but am not giving it a star in my book of books-read. And, thanks to a recommendation from Nao, I started reading Isabella Bird's Unbeaten Tracks in Japan which is going to be SUCH an interesting read - she came to Japan on her own in the late 1870s and explored city and country. She seems to be quite the seasoned traveler, and I will be sure to look into accounts of some of her other travels if I like this one. Observations from her (from me) to come.
AND! We are still having the most amazing time with our guests - schedules have been full. On Tuesday Steve, Dan and Milka visited some new-to-them parts of the city, and then the four of us wandered Roppongi and Roppongi Hills before heading home for a dinner spread of grocery store bentos and ready-to-eat food (yum). Yesterday (despite constant rain) Dan and Milka had a super full and super fun day at both Disneyland and DisneySea, arriving home after 10:00 wet and exhausted. Steve had a few days off - two in a row! - so that was a good little break for him, and I.... got myself a job! I've been volunteering at Run for the Cure (an independent breast cancer foundation here in Japan) since October, and because of a few recent changes/transitions in the office, they needed a little extra help. SO! I am now a worker bee. It's part-time, flexible and even though the learning curve might be a bit high at the beginning, I'm not starting from scratch; plus, it's a finite position, so I'll just do my best and go from there!